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经验丰富的运动员和新来者的健康平衡, both the boys’ and girls’ winter track teams enjoyed successful seasons that included a number of strong individual performances. Valerie Portuphy won the triple jump in the conference championships and also won the long jump in the Passaic 县 championships. Sharyn Thomas placed third at the conference championships and fourth at the state championships in the shot put. Sophomore Fiona Borzone had a breakout debut in track and field season and placed fifth in 跳高 at the state championships. Freshman Alyssa Malasits and Jiahui (Nina) Yang also had promising debut seasons which they will look to build upon in the future. 

男孩队由一群强大的高年级学生领导,其中包括蒂莫西·拉·比安卡, 石头戴维斯, 亚历克斯选, 还有凯勒·库伯勒斯. 教练希里玛称蒂莫西·拉·比安卡为“球队的瑞士军刀”. 他在55米栏比赛中展示了自己的全能, 跳高, 撑杆跳, 偶尔还会跑一段球队的4×400米接力.蒂莫西在撑杆跳高项目上表现尤为出色,并赢得了州冠军! 石头戴维斯 also had a strong performance in the 撑杆跳 and placed third at the state championships. Distance runners 亚历克斯选 还有凯勒·库伯勒斯 also had standout seasons and provided excellent character and leadership to the team. 


Highlighted by their second place finish at the county championships where the Lady Eagles surprised many of the larger schools in the county by knocking down 1,882针, 姑娘们度过了一个具有历史意义的季节. Individual highlights included top 10 finishes by Rebecca Ross and captain Makena Spatz (454 pins, 第三名)在前两场比赛后,他在个人赛中名列前茅.  The second half of the season included three straight 7-0 sweeps (winning all three games) of Pascack Hills, 韦恩谷, 和里奇菲尔德公园. 在本赛季下半场的每场比赛中,女孩们的投球成绩都高于她们队的平均水平. 他们在第一次州分组赛中英勇奋战, 最终败给了北谷德马雷斯特.  The season concluded at the league championships where senior Ashley Luo finished ninth overall with 442 pins, 就在几周前,她在189场比赛中打出了个人最好成绩.  

Goldstein教练感谢Makena Spatz的资深团队, Brielle Spalt and Ashley Lou and describes them as “pioneers in girls bowling in the region” as they helped lead the charge to create a girls league amongst the small schools in North Jersey.  


在连续赢得联赛冠军之后, this team finished strong and in second place in the division following a 7-0 sweep of Hawthorne in their final league match. 但乐趣才刚刚开始!  男孩们进入了第一个, head-to-head playoff bracket in New Jersey with the #2 seed thanks to averaging 681 pins (4 bowlers for 3 games each) over the course of the season.  在第一轮告别之后, EC以两局横扫的优势击败了帕克里奇和对手霍桑, 以927分和960分(每场比赛5名投球手/ 4名投球手打出199分或更高)闪电战熊队!) Muke Jiang and David Zhang shined in the early playoff rounds with David continuing his knack for throwing 200 when it matters most, having thrown two in last year’s sectional tournament and multiple 200s in this year’s early playoff round victories. Junior Joe Deluccia obliterated pins in the narrow loss in the sectional title match with Kinnelon, 投出个人最好成绩265, which helped earn him a medal for the fifth highest series out of all North 1 bowlers in the championship round.  

这支球队全年都是由大四学生王汉阳和约书亚·希里玛带领的.  乔希担任球队队长,戈尔茨坦教练指出, “We are thankful for his leadership and proud of this team for leaving its legacy on North Jersey Bowling.  即使学校的两名顶级投球手毕业了, Muke, 乔和内森渴望更大的成功.”    


EC新生篮球队以令人印象深刻的10胜战绩结束了他们的赛季, 6的损失, 1条领带. 达到10胜的里程碑是球队的一个重要目标, 通过努力工作获得的人, 奉献, 以及坚定不移的承诺. A standout and defining moment of the season was the thrilling victory against Glen Rock on our home court, showcasing the team’s skill and 团队合作 and igniting the spirit and enthusiasm of both players and supporters alike.

哈维尔教练说, “The most rewarding aspect of the season was witnessing the improvement of each player as they honed their skills and developed a deeper understanding of the game. 这种成长证明了他们的努力、训练能力和对这项运动的热情.拥有坚实的人才基础, 团队合作, 和决心, 欧共体篮球的未来看起来异常光明.


The EC junior varsity basketball team had a promising start to the season but faced challenges due to injuries and the movement of players up from the freshman level and others up to the varsity. Most notably, Andy Genuario and Gio Indomenico transitioned from JV to starting roles on varsity. 卡特-格林成为了JV中进步最大的球员, 罗德里格斯是头号得分手, 基思和凯文·奥塞特姆是篮下的力量. 山姆Audige, 保罗Dussard, 卢克·德摩斯梯尼也为团队的努力做出了巨大贡献, 而杰登·梅迪纳则练就了出色的三分球能力. 尽管在JV级别的比赛时间有限, freshmen Justin Blands Pearson and Hudson Culp displayed hustle and skill that bodes well for their future in the program. 大卫·莱利教练评论, “在整个赛季中见证这些球员的成长是一种有益的经历.”


男子大学篮球队一开始就很强, 在伤病和缺阵之前,前四场比赛取得了3胜1负的成绩. 尽管球队的最后纪录, 我们庆祝的这个赛季取得了许多胜利. One highlight was senior captain Lucas Genuario scoring his 1000th career point on a breakaway dunk against Hawthorne at home. 其他还包括小将凯莱布·蔡(Caleb Chae)在对阵莱克兰(Lakeland)的比赛中拿下17分, 球队在赛季中期战胜霍桑和帕塞伊克查特的胜利, 二年级的安迪·吉纳里奥和三年级的吉奥·因多梅尼科的升班马, who began the season on JV and worked their way into starting roles on varsity during the season, and the state game where 卢卡斯Faasse had his best game of the season even though he wasn’t feeling well. 大二学生安德鲁·姆瑞吉也在比赛中做出了重大贡献, 场均近10个篮板. 虽然这支队伍将有六名大四学生毕业-卢卡斯·Genuario, 卢卡斯Faasse, 丹尼尔Lim, 卡特Fowlkes, 尼希米Rhee, 还有Matthew gupko——我们的大部分游戏都是他们四个人开始的, we are excited about the future of Eastern Christian basketball and the development of our younger players who gave a strong and consistent effort this season.


年轻的女鹰队在重要球员的伤病中挣扎着度过了赛季结束, 拍摄衰退, 而且日程竞争非常激烈, 以15胜9负的战绩获得联赛第二名. The season featured multiple signature games versus opponents ranked highly in their respective state tournament brackets. 其中包括揭幕战战胜三号种子沃尔德威克, 圣诞锦标赛战胜了20胜的4号种子贝顿, 以微弱劣势输给了州分组冠军帕克岭, 在威霍肯球场激动人心的第四节逆转胜利, 以及在赛季最后一场精彩的比赛中战胜了20胜的莱奥尼亚队. 教练维恩斯特拉指出他们的人盯人防守是球队的优势, 每个团队成员都表现出勤奋的精神实践, 每一天. 他描述了这个团队, 由资深队长吉安娜·安吉鲁奇和麦肯齐·温恩贝克带领, “一个非常健壮的人, 可训练的, 以及接受各自角色的敬业团队. 他们爱竞争,爱彼此,爱上帝.”


无论以何种标准衡量,女子中学篮球队都取得了成功, 从头到尾都表现出稳定的进步. 具有良好的精神和接受反馈的能力, 努力执行他们在游戏中学到的东西, the girls were able to compete with the best teams on the schedule en route to an 8-3 season record. 练习的重点是基本功, 包括适当的拍摄形式, 进攻时的球转移, 人盯人的防守, 护球, 培养在球场上的位置以及如何准备快速跳投的感觉.

The team was anchored by six eighth-grade students (several of whom have the potential to contribute to the program in HS) and several seventh-graders who also contributed significantly. 教练丹·拉佐说:“球队互相鼓励,一起打球很开心.” 


EC middle school boys basketball was a season filled with an inspiring level of 奉献 by 24 players who participated in this year’s program. 所有成员, 是否参加演习, 练习团队合作, 或者全职竞争者, 优化他们对时间和空间的利用,以提高他们的比赛水平. 队长, 约西亚·海崔克和梅森·辛顿, 在等待教练到来的同时,巧妙地组织了训练的开始. 经验丰富的球员, 蔡斯·辛顿和马修·布莱泽也在球队改进投篮形式的过程中发挥了领导作用, 反弹的技术, 通过精度, 防御方案. 球队亮点包括战胜巴特勒,HCA,和鞍河日. The peak performance of the year came in a closely contested loss to a solid Haledon team to finish the season. The greatest triumph of the season was evident in the way each player showed unwavering support for one another while putting the team first. 



    • 第一名:Lucas Genuario
    • HM: 丹·林,卢卡斯·法斯
  • 联盟 
    • 1st:卢卡斯·吉尼奥里奥


    • 2nd: 克里斯汀•Braunius
    • HM: 卡罗琳·普林格尔,麦肯齐·温比克
  • 联盟 
    • 1st: Mackenzie Wynbeek, 克里斯汀•Braunius
    • 艾迪生·弗莱明,卡罗琳·普林格尔
    • HM:托丽·布朗


    • 第一名:王汉阳 
    • Joshua Heerema
    • HM: Joseph DeLuccia, David Zhang
  • 联盟 
    • 第一名:王汉阳,约书亚·希雷马,约瑟夫·德卢西亚
    • HM:张大卫


    • Makena Spatz
    • HMAshley Luo, Brielle Spalt


    • 第一名:瓦莱丽·波尔图菲(LJ)
    • HM: Tim La Bianca, 亚历克斯选, Fiona Borzone, Alyssa Malasits

